Tuesday 21 April 2009

4 months ~`

After nearly 4 months of training, I am hoping to move to the second part of the martial art~~

The siew lim tou is very philosophical in approach as it uses soft to counter hard, it uses softness against stiffness, diffusion versus direct blow..

Friday 3 April 2009

小念頭 - The beginning




「小念頭」是詠春派第一套入門套路。有念頭正,終生正之意。全套拳由開馬(二字拑羊馬)起,至全套完結,全身(除手部動作外)都不動。頭要正(頭上 頂眼平視),身要正(挺腰背),馬要正(挺肛拑膝)。全身其他肌肉放鬆。呼吸自然。主要練習樁馬穩定,腿部(特別是大腿內側四頭肌)和手部(肩部手後三頭 肌)之伸展肌的肌鍵伸展,手部關節活動。及手部動作之標準位置。葉問傳下之套拳,皆以連環三拳為句或再操連環日字衝拳。預意念頭一起(反清事業),必須成 功、否則沒有完結收式。




念頭雖小寓意深,道法自然意隨心, 立身處地守中正,覺悟修身佛性生。

The initial learning of the 小念頭 was very tough as it requires one to "relax" and use "little" efforts and little strength for all the movement. I have to totally forget what i have learn from Taekwando and using strength..

The horse stand and punching method were also different from what I am used to and, in short, I will have to start from scratch and learn everything again..

Wing Chun

I have always been keen to learn Wing Chun since I was a boy. However, since there was a shortage of Wing Chun school in Singapore, I took my opportunity in working in Hong Kong to learn the Wing Chun martial art.

Some basic information on Wing Chun:


After much searching, I have finally enrolled into the school in Jan 2009. Wing Chun is a Chinese martial art that specializes in close-range combat.